Hacking At Random is een internationale conferentie over technologie en veiligheid: vier dagen vol lezingen, debatten en workshops, waarin zowel apparaten als ideologieën binnenstebuiten worden gekeerd en waar iedereen wordt aangemoedigd zelf aan de slag te gaan. De vijfde editie van deze befaamde Nederlandse openlucht technologieconferenties vindt dit jaar plaats van 13 tot 16 augustus 2009 nabij Vierhouten.
Voor ons pgzlog belooft vooral het eerste van de drie “main tracks” die aan bod zullen komen, razend interessant te worden.
Track 1. Dealing with data (DD)
We live in a society that gorges itself on data. We check and intercept more data and retain them for a longer period, we base individual interventions on statistics, we amass data in centralized, national databases, and more and more, we ‘mislay’ these data and create data breaches. Often, data is used outside its original scope: the 11 million files that the Brits have by now amassed on their children in order to ‘assist’ child welfare, will be open to the police looking for ‘evidence’.
Some courts are however getting fed up. Germany has decided that home computers are indeed private and that the EU data retention law is far too wide in its scope: only when there’s actual suspicion against a person his or her traffic data may be retained. The European court has ruled that the Brits – and hence, other EU countries – cannot keep people’s DNA in a database unless they have been convicted.
In this track, we will discuss cutting edge security aspects as well as their political implications: whose property is a digital trace, should data have a built-in expiry date, how to counteract identity theft, ideas about ‘data hygiene’ and how we can make governmental and company data mining more transparent or more restrained. This track ranges from computer security to hacking ‘safe’ chip cards, from data mining to data breaches, from lawful to unlawful interception, from amassing data to data retention, from freakonomics to numerati.
Geïnteresseerd? Niet aarzelen dan, alle info via www.har2009.org.
[…] zien groeien en dat werkt inderdaad bemoedigend. Zowel op theoretisch vlak (zoals hier en hier en hier) als op heel praktisch vlak (zoals hier en hier en hier) weerklinken er steeds meer […]