
Neuromarketing, Citizens Under the Influence? is een documentaire van Laurence Serfaty over de manier waarop ons brein de laatste decennia onderworpen wordt aan heel wat studies. De redenen daarvoor zijn lang niet alleen medisch. Ook marketeers willen de drijfveren achterhalen van de consument, om de meest efficiënte reclamecampagnes op te zetten.

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“As marketers’ favorite target, our brain seems threatened with an always more effective decoding. Because the market studies do not guarantee the success of a product, marketers now turn to neurosciences. They confess that the objective is to decode the subconscious part of our brain to know our desires better. By using techniques as the magnetic resonance imaging, they try to identify advertisements and products which seduce and displease us. Is neuromarketing a real threat of manipulation, or a slightly hazy selling point of marketing? Even if the debate is not settled, neuromarketing needs to remain under surveillance. Because, if badly used, some of the neurosciences applications could deal a new blow to personal freedoms. From France to the U.S.A., via Italy and the United Kingdom, the film examines this new avatar of consumer society.”