Art & Surveillance /// Surveillance installatie van Marcos Zotes

CCTV/Creative Control is een artistieke interventie van de New Yorkse architect en kunstenaar Marcos Zotes aka Metacitizen.


Zotes maakte de installatie ter gelegenheid van de manifestatie Nuit Blanche: Bring to Light eerder dit jaar in Brooklyn, New York.

CCTV/Creative Control seeks to question the oppressive mechanisms and discourses implemented in the city through the temporary appropriation of public space. The intervention consists of a video projection displaying an over-sized eye onto the lower surface of the 10-storey-high Milton Street water tower in Brooklyn, New York. Still the highest point in the area, until it is dwarfed by new gentrification plans, the water tower exists as a relic of the neighbourhood’s industrial past. The intervention temporarily transforms this iconic landmark into a discernible CCTV tower, raising questions of private control over public space in the urban context.