Interview met Jacob Appelbaum

Tilo Jung van Jung & Naiv sprak op zijn gans eigen (jonge en naïeve) manier met Jacob Appelbaum over de surveillance maatschappij, de gevaren ervan en waarom we ons ertegen moeten verzetten.

“So, when you hear about things like CISPA, SOPA, PIPA and ACTA – what you hear is people trying to expand authoritarian control, where they can watch, where they can monitor, where they can interfere.”


“If we want to actually secure the internet, we should make it, so that when you make a phone call, no one can monitor it without you detecting it, and when you detect it, you should have a trail that allows you to understand, who has ordered this, where has it occurred, and what the consequences are. This ensures a kind of accountability.”

Deel 2 van het interview ging over “de architectuur van Big Brother”, met uiteraard Edward Snowden en het Prism-schandaal en het belang van de onthullingen. Verder ook waarom vergelijkingen met de Stasi helemaal niet ver gezocht zijn. En opnieuw (het terechte stokpaardje van Appelbaum) waarom het van cruciaal belang is dat we onze gegevens beveiligen.


“There exists a concept that’s called ‘The data doubleganger’, and this is essentially the data shadow you leave behind. And the thing is, at some point it becomes more you than you. Someone looks at you and they say – oh you’re very radical politically. But, you’re not. You just happen to read very broadly across many different spectrums.”