Terwijl er nog niet eens een onderzoek geweest is naar de achtergronden van de aanslag op Charlie Hebdo, is de Franse regering al begonnen met het uitbreiden van haar arsenaal aan anti-terreurmaatregelen. Ze wil er alvast in snelvaart de fel gecontesteerde LOPPSI doorjagen en heeft al andere maatregelen aangekondigd.
“La Quadrature du Net warns solemnly the French government led by Prime Minister Manuel Valls against any attempt of political recovery of this terrible event by the establishment of new emergency laws. Since 1986, every terrorist act has been followed by a counter-terrorism law, which always lead to undermine fundamental freedoms under the pretext of more security. Today, the last counter-terrorism law adopted in November 2014 has not even been implemented, but the government is already announced new measures, without taking the time to assess the efficiency of current provisions.”
“In the aftermath of the attack against Charlie Hebdo, the French government notified the European Commission of the imminent publication of the decrees implementing the LOPPSI law, allowing the administrative blockade (without the intervention of a judge) of websites advocating or provoking terrorism. Against all the informed analysis pointing to the ineffectiveness of such censorship measures and their impact on fundamental rights, and without any clear link between this week’s attack and online communications, the government answers to an attack on civil rights with new restrictions of freedom of expression and the rule of law. This is a bad tribute to pay to those who have given their lives for freedom of speech.”
Terreur beantwoorden met het inperken van burgerrechten en van de rechtsstaat is een neerwaartse spiraal. Het is een verraad aan onze democratische idealen.