Nog maar eens een aanslag op onze privacy. En dan nog eentje die mensen op de koop toe wegjaagt van het openbaar vervoer. In de Verenigde Staten maken steeds meer vervoersmaatschappijen gebruik van “audio surveillance”, naast de alomtegenwoordige bewakingscamera’s. Meestal met de hulp van Homeland Security.
Laat ze aub de NMBS niet op ideeën brengen …
It was first reported in April that New Jersey had been using audio surveillance on some of its light rail lines, raising questions of privacy. This week, New Jersey Transit ended the program following revelations that the agency ‘didn’t have policies governing storage and who had access to data.’
But New Jersey isn’t the only state where you now have even more reason to want to ride in the quiet car. The Baltimore Sun reported in March that the Maryland Transit Administration has used audio recording on some of its mass transit vehicles since 2012. It is now used on 65 percent of buses, and 82 percent of subway trains have audio recording capability, but don’t use it yet, according to the Sun. And cities in New Hampshire, Connecticut, Michigan, Ohio, Nevada, Oregon and California have either installed systems or moved to procure them, in many cases with funding from the federal Department of Homeland Security.
— bron: Big Brother is listening as well as watching (Christian Science Monitor, 1/7/2016)