Eigenlijk hoeft het niet te verwonderen: een casino is een van die plekken waar letterlijk elke handeling door bewakingscamera’s opgepikt, opgenomen en indien nodig tot in den treure geanalyseerd wordt. The Verge ging op bezoek in de Aria Resort and Casino, waar maar liefst 1100 camera’s hangen die minstens 98 procent van het gebouw in beeld brengen.
With over a thousand cameras operating 24/7, the monitoring room creates tremendous amounts of data every day, most of which goes unseen. Six technicians watch about 40 monitors, but all the feeds are saved for later analysis. One day, as with OCR scanning, it might be possible to search all that data for suspicious activity. Say, a baccarat player who leaves his seat, disappears for a few minutes, and is replaced with another player who hits an impressive winning streak. An alert human might spot the collusion, but even better, video analytics might flag the scene for further review. The valuable trend in surveillance, Whiting says, is toward this data-driven analysis (even when much of the job still involves old-fashioned gumshoe work). “It’s the data,” he says, “And cameras now are data. So it’s all data. It’s just learning to understand that data is important.”
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