Tag: remix culture

Simon Klose: TPB AFK – The Pirate Bay Away from Keyboard (2013)

https://vimeo.com/184519348 TPB AFK is een documentaire (2013) van Simon Klose. De regisseur volgde de oprichters van The Pirate Bay tijdens hun proces in Zweden, waar...

Dworsky & Köhler: PressPausePlay (2012)

https://vimeo.com/34608191 PressPausePlay (2012) stelt de vraag of onze digitale cultuur ook betere kunst voortbrengt. Of verdrinkt het talent in al die onbeperkte mogelijkheden? De documentairemakers...

Jacob Albert: Walking on Eggshells (2010)

https://vimeo.com/11749071 Walking on Eggshells is a documentary about appropriation, creative influence, re-use and intellectual property in the remix age. It is a conversation among various...

Brett Gaylor: RiP – A remix manifesto (2008)

https://vimeo.com/8040182 Canadian web activist and filmmaker Brett Gaylor explores issues of copyright in the information age, mashing up the media landscape of the 20th century...

League of Noble Peers: Steal This Film (2006-2007)

Part 1 https://vimeo.com/470775 Part 2 https://vimeo.com/1906559 A nous la liberté! In 2006, a group of friends decided to make a film about filesharing that *we* would recognise. There have...